Mold is a common component, in low levels, in many indoor and outdoor environments including our homes, workplace and schools.

A common misunderstanding is that water damaged spaces look run-down, but beautiful spaces can potentially be affected by water damage. All you need is a leak or damp building materials during the time of construction.
Much like bacteria in soil and on surfaces, mold is a normal part of life. Exposure to high levels, however, can rapidly become a huge health hazard. Doctors are only now beginning to understand the signs/symptoms of mold illness and the mechanism of how these mold toxins trigger sickness.
Mold illness, then, is a general term we use to refer to the illness brought on by exposure to the toxic substances found in water-damaged buildings. Other names commonly used in the medical literature for this illness include Sick Building Syndrome and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
Current thinking suggests that the symptoms of mold illness are the result of a chronic inflammatory response triggered by toxic compounds found in these water-damaged buildings including:
Mold spores
Microbial VOCs
Among others...
Illness from chronic exposure to this toxic soup is probably one of the most under-recognized causes of illness today.
In the following pages you will find essential information on mold illness, common signs and symptoms and steps outlining how to get well. Also included, are important resources that will assist you in your recovery.
Common Symptoms of Mold Illness
Breathing disorders (asthma, shortness of breath)
Chronic headaches
Chronic sinus infections
Coughing up blood or black looking debris
Difficulty concentrating
Ear infections
Frequent urination
Hair loss
Increased experience of Static Shock
Increased thirst
Joint and muscle pain
Light Sensitivity
Loss of Appetite or Appetite Swings
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Nausea and/or vomiting
Neurological & Nervous Disorders
Numbness, tingling and shooting pains
Persistent fatigue
Short term memory loss
Skin rashes
Sexual dysfunction
Swollen glands in neck/armpit
Weight Loss and/or Weight Gain
These symptoms can often be misdiagnosed for a long period of time as they mimic or overlap with other conditions. It is not uncommon that our Lyme and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome patients are concurrently affected by mold and vice versa.
The diagnosis of Mold Illness is commonly missed by most physicians. It can be incorrectly labeled as one of many illnesses. The following is a small representation of these misdiagnoses:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic Ear Infections
Sexual Dysfunction "ED" and Prostate Associated Disease
Neurological and Nervous Disorder
Symptoms from mold exposure develop over time from cumulative exposure. Individuals may remain symptom free until an unrelated stressor, either physical or emotional, may trigger rapid development of symptoms. Alternatively, the person may simply develop symptoms progressively from long-term exposure.
Reactions to Mold
Individuals exposed to toxic mold may become ill from one or more of the following reactions:
Hypersensitivity/Allergic response to the mold spores and other substances in the environment. These responses are typically histamine mediated allergic reactions that may require antihistamines and possibly allergy immunotherapy for desensitization.
Toxicity/Inflammatory response This category is perhaps the most dangerous due to its increasing incidence. Also known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or Sick Building Syndrome, the illness that results from exposure to the toxins from mold and bacteria as well as the numerous chemicals found in water damaged buildings is quickly becoming an epidemic. These toxins trigger massive inflammation which over time begins to compromise the endocrine and immune systems.
Infectious Response Inhaled mold spores can seed and begin growing in the nasal and respiratory passages especially in individuals that may be immunocompromised. Appropriate cultures to identify the infection and treatment with antifungal medications/herbs are highly effective.
What can I do my house is sick with
I have it bad and need help